APIL-Success Stories

“APIL” – a people’s initiative for learning Success Stories

In May and June 2004 two Enrollment Camps were organised at Gairsain Block of Distrct Chamoli and Sahaespur Block of Dirstrict Dehradun. During the camp held at Gram Sabha Mehuwala in Sahespur Block twenty-nine school drop-out girls in the age group between 6-14 years got enrolled. These girls were all Muslims and are now hapily studying in different classes.


Village Haripur in the Bhagwanpur Block of District Haridwar is a Tongya village stuated amidest the forest. As per the rules and regulations of forest department no cnstruction can be errected in these forest vilages and therefore there was no school building. Due to this more than eighty children got no proper primary education. APIL organized a GSS in this village and got the community mobilized to demand for the rightd of their children. As a result the Education Department was compelled to construct a school building in the adjoining village land Buggawala. Now this school is in function.

Guddi and Mansiri were school drop-outs from Sarkot village of Block Gairsain in the District of Chamoli. Guddi however never atended a school. When both these girls came to our Enrollment Camp we found them siting quietly in one corner and not mixing up with other participants. In the beginning they were extremely ademend for not attending school but once they went through all te processes and activities being conducted in the camp their attitude towads education got changed and on the last day when both of them were asked a question that what would they like to become when they are adults both replied confidently: "We would like to become teacher!". Both these girls are now enrolled in the Primary School and are very happy.

Responses of SMC’s


If there are joint initiatives for improving girls education, then, we are sure to get better results . SMC’S provide a direct platform for teachers , parents and the elected members to sit together and share their views ,regarding education . It also enables to generate the feeling of ownership.
Maheshi Devi
Member SMC village palchuni, Naranyan bager , Chamoli.

There are parents ,teachers and others members of the community in the SMC and if all of them assume the responsibility and honesty then together ,we can do lots of things to make education better : But for this to happen the SMC’S should be constituted properly and given extensive training in management.


Harpal Singh

President SMC Sagwara Tharali , Chamoli


Constiuting SMC’S is a welcome efforts of a government and if it functions well , it can bring about large number of positive changes with in the policy makers. But the current status of SMC is so dysfunctional and trainings provided to them are so inadequate that we really do not know when the changes will take place.
Gulfam Ali
President SMC Kedar wala, VikasNagar district Dehra Dun


Initiatives of SMC


A gram Shikha sabha was organised in village Jissua of Kalsi block on 3/12/03 . This meeting was attended by the village head , school , headmaster , dropout girls and many others from the community . On sharing the data of their village it was found that there were ignorant about many facts and figures.
The school building in the villages got sanctioned in 1997 but was still lying incomplete due to nobody interest . After the meeting it was decided by the members of SMC and others to immediately start the constructed with all children coming to the school. Two dropout girls Sharmila Sharma and Meera (13 yrs, 12 yrs ) also got enrolled.

In Tajpur village of block Dewal the SMC meetings were never organised monthly regularly but after attending gram shikha sabha 2/1/04 the SMC took the responsibility of repairing the school building and arrangement of drinking water . The village head also undertook the responsibility of construction of the boundary wall.

The women present in a GSS pressurised the parents to enrol their dropout daughters. At present this school has drinking water facility and the repairing work is also completed, however the boundary wall was reported to be under construction.

Khamroli is a ditance village situated at a distance of 30 Km from Kalsee block of district Dehradun. The first Gram Shiksha Sabha was organized in this village in November, 2003 was attended by a large number of women, men, local school teachers and also approximately 23 young girls who dropped out of school at some point of time due to personal or social or economical reasons. While the APIL volunteer emphasised upon the importance of girls education and need to educate all girls, one of the girls named Bijma attending the meeting was so motivated that she decided to not only restart her education but also to support her friends in completing their education.

From the very next day Bijma, who was a dropout in class 8th some years ago, along with five of her school drop out friends, started self learning in the Varandha of village primary school. Seeing her interest and enthusiasm, the school teacher offered her space in school room in the evening. Now every evening, after completing of the household responsibilities all these girls gather in the school room to learn themselves for completing there education. Slowly many other girls form the same village, who were also a dropout also became a part of this group and soon after there, were around 25 girls coming together each evening to acquire knowledge in the limelight of a lantern provided by the village people in honour of their desire.

Bijma , now has become an example for others in the community.

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