Uttarkashi Office

Uttarkashi Office

One of the oldest work area of SBMA, here Mr Gopal Thapliyal managing every activities for SBMA since a long time.

Major Partners of SBMA’s in Uttarkashi

1. Plan India: SBMA entered into a sponsorship mode of partnership with Plan India in 1996, under its Child Centred Community Development (CCCD) program. Presently more then 3500 children from 170 villages of Bhatwari and Dunda block of Uttarkashi are sponsoring by Plan India. The population of 76250 (36198 female & 40052 male) from 15360 families are covering by project in al 170 villages. Child Rights, participation & protection, Quality Education & Early Childhood care & development, reproductive, child & adolescent health, water & environment sanitation at community & school level, household economic security including vocational education, food security & community managed micro finance, disaster risk reduction & response, Engendering etc. are the major programs supporting by Plan India.

For detailed Reports of current disaster operation see attached files: Report 1 |Report 2 |Report 3 |Report 4 |Report 5 |Report 6 |List of beneficiaries |

2. Sir Ratan Tata Trust:    The Himothan project is implementing in 10 villages of Uttarkashi with the support of Sir Ratan Tata Trust. The program is focussed on the improvement and establishment of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities at community & family level.

3. Uttarakhand Medical, Health and Family Welfare department    Under “National Rural Health Mission” SBMA has assigned as mother NGO in district Uttarkashi and implementing the activities of NHRM as District ASHA Resource Centre. The major work is focussed to enhance the capacities of ASHA workers and VHSNCs on reproductive and child health related issues. The program is implementing in all 668 villages of Uttarkashi with the support of 591 ASHA workersThe Adolescent Reproductive & Sexual Health (ARSH) Program is also supporting the health department in 100 villages of Chinyalisour and Naugaon blocks. The program is built for the awareness generation and capacity building of adolescents on different health issues including nutrition and hygiene & sanitation.

4. NABARD    NABARD is supporting to SBMA for the development of village tourism promotion cluster in Bhatwari block of Uttarkashi. Under this program, the capacities of local youths and hoteliers on tourism based activities have been developed. Mostly the training & other initiatives have been taken for the improvement of cooking, hygiene, waste management, communication skills and the facilities improvement of milk parlours, motor workshop, transportation etc.

5. USHA International    The USHA International is supporting 10 Usha Silai School at different locations of Uttarkashi district. Under the program, training of village level women members have been done and also provided the Usha Silai machine to them. Now they are imparting training to other community members especially for adolescent girls and women.

6. Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS)    SBMA has a MOU with ICDS department at district level and working for the improvement of skills of Anganwari workers and caregivers on child development milestone & ECCD and also improving the facilities at centre level. The department is supporting to SBAM for the Implementation of SABLA program in all the Anganwaries of Bhatwari, Dunda and Chinyalisour blocks of Uttarkashi district.

7. Uttarakhand Open University (UOU)    With the support of UOU, SBMA is running some major diploma courses like Master in Social work (MSW), diploma in health & nutrition etc. Presently 7 students have been completed their MSW and 6 have been completed their health & nutrition diploma, and 6 are continuing their MSW.

8. Room To Read    School library program for 35 primary schools has been supported by Room to Read. The program of mostly focussed to establish the child managed library by enhancing the capacities of children club members and teachers. The schools are fully equipped with child friendly books and other related materials.

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