Vision and Mission

Our vision is to see Happy Children from Happy Families and Happy Communities. We are working with and for the process of progress for a society that is sympathetic to, and in keeping with the wishes of children. Children have a special bond with the natural world and working towards the regeneration of a society that makes children happy will ensure a development that is in harmony with the environment. Children are more sensitive, so involving children in the development process will ensure that we adopt holistic approaches to development rather than concentrating only on economic and material advancement. A society that is committed to the needs of its children is one that is sensitive to the need of a development process that is based on the values of peace, harmony, equality, and sustainability. We want policy and action in the new state of Uttaranchal to center on the development of happy children.

Our mission is to work with children and communities, it organizations/institutions, government, technical and academic institutions and other civil society groups to create a society where every child is happy – their well being assured. And naturally happy children need to be in happy families and happy families need happy communities in which to flourish. All societies want their children to be happy and therefore work consciously or unconsciously towards this end. We have to support and encourage families and communities to achieve this seemingly straightforward goal of happy children. In societies where progress is slow or is skewed we intend to work towards empowering communities to adopt a holistic and wholesome approach to the processes of progress and development. Together we have to empower children to be involved in the making of their own destinies. We will encourage everyone who agrees to commit to our project.

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