Affiliated Organisations

Through the evolution of SBMA, we have discovered that there are general needs throughout the region that require more attention. In the effort to properly address those issues, four off-chute organizations have been created. They are independent organizations that were created by SBMA, and we continue to work very closely with them.

RACHNA Vert RGBFirst of all, SBMA has always seen itself as a research institution, working to understand and record the situation, on the ground, of the people and villages. We use this information to create more capable and helpful projects as well as influence and shape government policies. In addition to our use of the research, we communicate with other groups working in the area and elsewhere to share our ideas and learn from their experiences. The amount of energy dedicated to this task cannot be overemphasized, so we created RACHNA. The acronym stands for Research, Advocacy, and Communication in Himalayan Areas, and the word rachna in Hindi means "creation".



After the International Conference of Mountain Children in 2001, it became apparent that the children of the mountains required a platform to voice their concerns and needs. The Mountain Children's Forum was created and has been working as a loudspeaker in all areas of Uttaranchal, as well as in Arunachal and Himachal Pradesh.



Channel Mountain Communication (CMC), as the name suggests, is an organisation devoted to the activities related to communication in Himalayan region. We are a group of professionals working in the areas of science, technology, culture, media, research and training. The CMC is committed to provide quality services to organisation, agencies and institutions both in private and public sector in the areas of mass communication.

CMC based on its professionals vast experience in multiple discipline will provide its expertise in folk media, documentation, publication, film, television, radio, website, advertisement, campaign, media research and training and assist organisations to accomplish their aim and objective.

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